Friday 20 February 2015

A moderate case of the Eff-Its (EDIT: And how moaning about it has got me motivated)

Well, it's finally come to the day I can reuse my spinning plates analogy. I've let a particularly important one smash today.

I've been following an exercise plan to the absolute tee for the past five weeks. And I am happy to report I am seeing results to a recognizable extent. My legs are subtly firmer, my ability to do burpees are markedly improved and I can now do three whole manly push ups in a row.
And then I got back from university today around 11am and I decided that I couldn't be bothered. I wasn't sure what it was I couldn't be bothered with, I couldn't be bothered to think about what I had to be bothered about. 

Granted, I did in the end apply for a few jobs here and there, completed a bit of uni work. But generally, all I've done is cook and eat. And I've eaten so much, I've fed my eff it mentality quite nicely to the point where the one thing I am probably most proud about is my commitment to this exercise routine.

Why are humans so set up to self-sabotage? I've had a good old think about what might be the cause. A holiday is less than a month away now, am I starting to put too much pressure on myself?

My legs are looking better but my stomach still seems awful, am I convincing myself my hard work isn't paying off?

I'm not sure. But I guess it comes down to control. I'm annoyed I can't seem to control the way my body looks as much as I'd like. I'm annoyed I feel so tired that I can't be bothered to be bothered. Ergh. Just listen to me. I need to get a grip!

Right, seriously, that's it. I'm going to do this exercise. Right now. Sweaty post to follow. 

When are you most likely to fall off the motivation wagon? What helps you get back on track? I've found having a moan on a blog actually helps!


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