Friday 13 February 2015

Even Goodness Needs Moderation

I am poorly sick today!

In a quest to increase my confidence and battle anxiety, I'd taken on an exercise regime which involves High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). 
I'm well into my fourth week now, which I'm so excited about! I've felt my body get stronger week to week, more than I ever have in my life, which is an amazing feeling. If I can push myself to complete some of the most difficult exercise I've attempted in my life, what can't I do?!

Until yesterday that was. Ergh. My routine was 45 minutes yesterday when it's normally 30. The extra 15 was optional, but I so want to make sure I see the best results possible. 

When I started the extra 15 minutes I could feel a big difference though. I was shattered, not just because I'd already done 30 minutes, but an intense level of tired. My body was really begging me to stop. I wasn't aching like I normally did, but I couldn't even push myself to reach that kind of level, I kept having to stop before that point. I was unusually sweaty for the intensity I was exercising at. Yet I still pushed myself. 

Today, I am ILL. IBS flaring and kidneys hurting. I ignored my body's cries and overdid it. Shoot.

Epic rest day today. I'm talking sofa, snuggly throw and Gavin & Stacey on Netflix. I was so panicky about taking a day off! For someone who used to spend days on end inside doing nothing, it is a big difference. But obviously moderation is something I'm yet to learn about on both ends of the scale!

Normally I would feel really guilty about this, but you must take it in your stride, reward your body and mind because it's worked hard for you!

Have you ever pushed yourself a bit far? Do you struggle to let your guard down? Discuss below!


  1. I spent most of my life holding up the screens and not letting people in , its only been since my anxiety has lessoned although i have quit drinking and smooking since xmas and its a little heightened becaus eim changing things which is always a little scary but i know its all mind over matter x

    1. Well done! That's expected when you make such a big change. I made quite a drastic change to my diet this year which lead to some serious anxiety. I found comfort in food a lot, but you are right, mind over matter!

      Your success will always continue if you can live by that :) x


Let the people twirl...